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LatticeFlow makes TOP 3 Swiss AI startups list for 2021!

We are proud to be nominated as one of the top three Swiss AI startups for 2021. The nomination comes after a rigorous assessment of LatticeFlow’s technology for delivering robust and trustworthy AI models, the growth potential of our business model, and achievements throughout the year. Twenty pre-selected Swiss AI companies went through the evaluation process, and we are happy to be selected among the top three companies, one of which will receive the prestigious Swiss AI award.

We are delighted to see that our hard work throughout the year has been recognized by the distinguished jury members. Thank you Mindfire and the AI experts for the recognition. We are looking forward to the final ceremony, which will take place in early 2022 due to the current COVID restrictions.

We would also like to congratulate the other two fellow nominees for the Swiss AI award, namely embotech and Magnes AG.